Friday, January 27, 2012

Last walk...

I was tired walking around looking for swedish design, my feet hurt. I just wanted to go back to the hotel and crash  as I had an early flight to catch. Ok thats a lie..i did stop at few places to check out some dress..womennnn!! ahem..ahem.. moving on... I came out of the store, looked the beautiful city, I had no idea when I would come back to enjoy this beauty. The streets were well lit...surprisingly the swedish govt waited for me to visit before they took down the xmas decoration! It was bright and festive everywhere...I started walking back and felt the fresh snow on my was beautiful...I was freezing but it didnt bother me....I couldnt go back....I took one last walk in the streets before I returned!

The decorations on the trees were the one that grabbed by attention (apologise..I really have a bad camera)


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