Thursday, January 26, 2012

some history

My mom says that she always put me in front of colorful sarees which are drying outside in the sun and I watched it for hours and hours quietly while she got all her work done. Like every middle class family in India, I had to become an engineer or a doctor and I became one. In the recent past, I have discovered deep love for beautiful interior/exterior spaces, it doesnt seem to be a 6 months dance class, 1 month music class kinda fading thing. Its ON for a long time now...Now after 30 yrs, It all added up and I have realised afterall my saree gazing did have a meaning ;-) I had to be a designer!!!Between my job and the commitment, its really hard to break my routine and jump on it- but I am hoping one day I will be an interior desginer. Thats my story and I promise I will not bore you with this anymore. From now on, I will post my experience,learning and pics of the design I like hoping to inspire and entertain you! So stay tuned...


  1. I want to be on your HGTV show! :)

  2. Good that you found your calling Anu...good luck pursuing it.

  3. Anu... I stumbled into ur blog through Meenu's blog and was so surprised to find it is U. Beautiful blog, congratulations on finding your passion

    1. Thank you Manju :-) Glad you liked it...visit often and comment/feedback/enjoy!! :D
